Season two wraps up with this Holiday Special, where all three hosts – Candice Bloch, Sandra Abrams, and Tara Jabbari – discuss the mega genre of Christmas and holiday movies. The trio share fun facts, their personal opinions, and go over the results of Media & Monuments’ own holiday survey, which centered on movies related to “the most wonderful time of the year.” Here are a few highlights from the survey to get you into the holiday mood: Love Actually was voted favorite holiday rom-com, Miracle on 34th Street was voted favorite Santa-theme movie, and A Charlie Brown Christmas was the winner in the animated category.

Want to hear more results or find out if you got a shout out? Want to hear a lively debate on why Die Hard is or is not a Christmas movie? Tune in ! While this is the last new episode for 2022, Media & Monuments will play reruns during their winter break, and return with season three in the new year. Happy Holidays from the WIFV podcast committee!

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